Runway 16L High Intensity Approach Lighting System It is our recommendation and preference that the planned maintenance of the HIALS be undertaken in incremental steps during curfew hours in order to sustain operation of the HIAL system during normal operational periods. Read more>> March 8, 2016
AusALPA Recommendation on the Draft Major Development Plan for 9 Molonglo Drive, Canberra Airport AusALPA is concerned that the current standard that underpins the assessment of airport developments for building-induced turbulence is inadequate. Read more>> February 4, 2016
Australia’s Policy Approach to Baro-VNAV Implementation The Association agrees strongly with the need to meet the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Resolution A36-23 (as superseded by A37-11) in order to reduce the risk of Controlled Flight into Terrain (CFIT) accidents. Read more>> January 28, 2016
Plume Rise Assessment for the Ventilation Stacks Resulting from the WestConnex Project Further to the meeting chaired by the Department on effects of the plumes efflux from the ventilation stacks (in the vicinity of Sydney Airport) resulting from the proposed WestConnex road upgrades held at the Hinkler Room at Sydney Airport on 15 January 2016, the Australian Airline Pilots Association... Read more>> January 18, 2016
AusALPA Submission re Western Sydney Airport In relation to the proposed Western Sydney Airport (WSA), AusALPA has reviewed the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) together with the Draft Airport Plan and would like to make the following comments... Read more>> December 18, 2015
AusALPA Submission re Part 121 The Association has two main areas of concern on which it will make comment. These are in the matter of offences of strict liability, and the matter of fuel requirements. Read more>> November 25, 2015
AusALPA position on Airborne Image Recorders The Association confirms its support of the IFALPA position [2], which highlights the fact that the disadvantages of installing AIRs far outweigh any possible benefits. Read more>> October 6, 2015
AusALPA Comments on the Review of Aerodrome (TAF) Services for Aviation In general, the proposals seem reasonable and align Australia with the ICAO Annex 3 SARPS, as modified by the ICAO Basic Air Navigation Plan (ICAO Doc 9673). There are, however, some areas of discussion and/or concern. Read more>> March 27, 2013