Airspace Modernisation Project - Tranche Three Proposals AusALPA does not support the Tranche Three proposals of the Airspace Modernisation Project and believes that a significant rethink is required. Class E is an inherently less safe model of airspace classification to that of Class C. Any suggestion that the same levels of safety can be maintained when airspace is changed from C to E are simply false. Furthermore, Class E airspace at lower altitudes results in more of a challenge to maintain acceptable levels of safety because of the increased prevalence of VFR traffic at lower altitudes when compared with higher altitudes. Read more>> May 24, 2019
Senate Inquiry into Rescue, Firefighting and Emergency Response at Airports AusALPA supports the vital work that is being performed daily by highly trained professionals providing aviation rescue and firefighting services (ARFFS) to ensure the safety of the flying public and the crews, of which many are our members. Read more>> March 5, 2019
AusALPA Submission to the Airservices Proposal: Airspace Modernisation Program AusALPA supports this change to the service provision responsibilities of regional Class D aerodrome airspace management and recognises that standardisation and consistency across the country can assist in efficiency of operations for both pilots and controllers. Read more>> December 7, 2018
AusALPA Submission on CASA Parts 121 and 119 Public Consultation Drafts It appears that CASA intends to subvert a multi-partisan safety-related process in order to create a workplace surveillance scheme which will be totally rejected by the pilot community. Read more>> September 2, 2018
AusALPA Submission on CASA Parts 135 and 119 Public Consultation Drafts AusALPA recognises that considerable progress has been made toward finalising Part 135. However, there remain some contentious issues and we are cautious about how much traction the TWG feedback has gained in refining these operational parts. Read more>> September 2, 2018
AusALPA Submission on Space Activities Amendment (Launches and Returns) Bill 2018 AusALPA believes that both the current and future space activities framework fall well short of our expectations to “integrate and enhance our existing aviation safety regime”. Read more>> July 26, 2018
AusALPA Submission on Draft 2018 Australian Airspace Policy Statement (AAPS) There is a need to advance plans for future demands and uses of airspace in the civil sector which is presently not addressed. Read more>> July 20, 2018
AusALPA Comments on the Windtech Assessment for the Potential for Windshear at Majura Park, Canberra Airport AusALPA was certainly gratified to see that a number of our previous concerns have been addressed. We recognise the significant increase in data points examined and applaud the transparency that they bring to both the experimental technique and the results Read more>> June 18, 2018
AusALPA Submission on CASA Part 91 NPRM CD 1511OS-2: Proposed Changes to the General Operating and Flight Rules AusALPA member association representatives participated in the Part 91 Technical Working Group (TWG) and have noted positively that many of the items identified for further work have indeed been addressed by CASA. Read more>> May 4, 2018
AusALPA Submission to the Airservices Proposal: The Trial of Class E Airspace Services at Hobart & Launceston Airports AusALPA recently learnt of the proposal by Airservices Australia (AsA) to trial Class E airspace in Tasmania through our participation at an AsA chaired meeting held after the TAS RAPAC meeting (April 11th). We were previously unaware of any industry-based initiatives to amend the airspace classification and configuration. Read more>> May 4, 2018