

Submission to the Senate Committee for the Scrutiny of Delegated Legislation Inquiry Re Exemptions

Submission to the Senate Committee for the Scrutiny of Delegated Legislation Inquiry Re Exemptions

We urge the Committee to carefully review how we got to the stage where a particular piece of delegated legislations allows an agency, hidden from Parliamentary oversight, to abandon its own modernised rules, ignore the stakeholder engagement and contributions thereto and acquiesce to an applicant’s desire for business reasons to “phoenix” discarded rules while avoiding any administrative law scrutiny on the basis that “happy applicants do not complain”.

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2019 NASF Implementation Review

2019 NASF Implementation Review

AusALPA recognises that the economic decisions surrounding airports, i.e. determining the balance between the economic benefits of developments and the detriments to the accessibility, efficiency and capacity of an airport, rest entirely with the relevant jurisdiction within which the airport is situated or which retains legal control.

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 Essendon Fields Airport Preliminary Draft Master Plan 2019 Consultation

Essendon Fields Airport Preliminary Draft Master Plan 2019 Consultation

AusALPA believes the Preliminary Draft Master Plan 2019 is primarily a commercial development plan that sacrifices less-economic  aviation  activities  for  buildings and  non-aviation  use.  It  does  not promote, protect or encourage aviation activities and will limit future aviation use of this federally owned public asset.

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pilots association union

pilots association union

pilots association union