Safety Matters


Safety & Technical Update

Safety & Technical Update

The Safety and Technical (S&T) Team continues to participate in many forums and undertake activities to ensure that high safety standards are maintained
in Australia and, through IFALPA, globally. The following is a brief outline of some of the current issues with which your Safety and Technical Committee has been engaged.

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An Account of the IFALPA Conference Berlin 2019

An Account of the IFALPA Conference Berlin 2019

The yearly gathering of the world’s pilots from all across the globe took place in Berlin for the 74th International Federation of Airline Pilots Association (IFALPA) conference. The conference opened with a full day Global Pilot Symposium run by pilot representatives of the three largest Alliances being Oneworld, STAR Alliance and Skyteam. Here the current issues facing pilots all over the globe are discussed and debated in a panel format. And whilst change is ever constant in this industry, some elements do stay the same such as the threat to typical pilot employment models, Trans National Pilot Groups, and pilot unity.

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Understanding Go Arounds

Understanding Go Arounds

A go around is an important control to prevent aviation accidents during the critical approach and landing phase of flight. Understanding the precursors to go around, including those associated with unstable approaches, can reveal important insight on the key safety threats and risks that pilots may face when operating into an airport.

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Safety & Technical Update

Safety & Technical Update

The Safety and Technical (S&T) Team continues to participate in many forums and undertake activities to ensure that high safety standards are maintained in Australia and, through IFALPA, globally. The following is a brief outline of some of the current issues with which your Safety and Technical Committee has been engaged.

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Aviation Rescue Fire Fighting Service (ARFFS)

Aviation Rescue Fire Fighting Service (ARFFS)

On a sunny Sydney morning early in May, AIPA members, Safety and Technical representatives and staff were given a tour and presentation of the Aviation Rescue Fire Fighting Service (ARFFS) facilities located at Fire Station 1 at Sydney Kingsford Smith Airport.

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Screening at Airports: Present & Future

Screening at Airports: Present & Future

The fundamental reason why passenger screening activities have become more stringent in recent years is in direct response to the assessed prevailing threat level that applies to commercial aviation. At the present time, Australia’s National Terrorism Threat Level is assessed as PROBABLE. The scale ranges from Not Expected and escalates to Possible, Probable, Expected and Certain.

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PACDEFF & AAvPA Symposium 2018

PACDEFF & AAvPA Symposium 2018

AusALPA attended the Pacific and Australasian CRM Developers’ and Facilitators’ Forum (PACDEFF) which was held in conjunction with the Australian Aviation Psychology Association (AAvPA) Symposium in Coogee from 7-9 November 2018. The Symposium showcases the latest in human factors development, practice and research in aviation and other industries, and presentations featured topics such as systems safety, fatigue, reporting culture, Human Factors design integration, the impact of automation, Welfare and Peer Support, and CRM operational integration and evidence-based training.

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Safety & Technical Update

Safety & Technical Update

The Safety and Technical (S&T) Team continues to participate in many forums and undertake activities to ensure that high safety standards are maintained in Australia and, through IFALPA, globally. The following is a brief outline of some of the current issues with which your Safety and Technical Committee has been engaged.

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What Have The Romans Ever Done For Us?

What Have The Romans Ever Done For Us?

An Ex Committee of Management member explained recently that he only reads the Insight pieces from the President and that “no one gives a shit about Safety & Technical”.  That was more than disappointing given how much effort the Safety and Technical team (representatives, staff and consultants) put in and have achieved over the last few years. I was reminded of the scene from the “Life of Brian” when Reg (John Cleese) asks “What have the Romans ever done for us?”.

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Safety & Technical Update

Safety & Technical Update

The S&T Team continues to participate in many forums and undertake activities to ensure that high standards and maintained in Australia, and, through IFALPA, globally. The following is a brief outline of some of the current issues with which your Safety and Technical Committee has been engaged.

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pilots association union

pilots association union

pilots association union