Chair: Captain Geoff McInnes
Vice Chair: David Mogford
Terms of Reference
- To prepare and discuss working papers which review, modify and amend IFALPA and AusALPA policy concerning all aspects of:
- Aero-Medicine, including occupational hazards such as cabin air contamination, and cosmic radiation
- Aviation Psychology, including pilot welfare programs
- Pilot Selection, Training, Licensing
- Human Factors in Aircraft Design, Procedures and Operations
- Human Factors in Incident/Accident Analysis
- Fatigue Risk Management Systems (FRMS)
- Develop IFALPA and AusALPA policy by taking notice of findings of international research and recognised developments in Human Factors and Aero-Medicine science and by interacting with other relevant IFALPA Standing Committees.
- Attend, and where appropriate, present at relevant conferences, forums, and symposia that cover topics relevant to the Portfolio.
- To provide expert advice on Human Performance issues upon request to the Executive Board, other Standing Committees, Advisory Groups, and interested External Parties.