Aircraft Design & Operations (ADO)


Chair: Will Stamatopoulos
Vice Chair: Alan Smith

Core Activity

To improve air safety within Australia and on a worldwide basis by influencing the design of air transport aircraft, their components, their performance and operation and to improve the working environment of the individual airline pilot, considering environmental aspects.

The task of the ADO Committee is to:

  • Detect, identify and monitor areas of development, where input is required to influence the design of technology and/or procedures, to ensure a safe operating environment for the airline pilot community, using the experience and expertise of its members.
  • Develop Policies and Policy Statements on these items, associated with the design and operation of aircraft used in international commercial operations, as broadly defined by the contents of ICAO Annexes 6 and 8, and related ICAO documents, to be presented to the respective regulating bodies, authorities and operators, as well as to the interested public.
  • Liaise with aircraft manufacturers, system designers and engineers, as well as scientific and regulating bodies, to enhance their understanding of the view and requirements of the airline pilots to improve the safety and operational effectiveness of international commercial aviation, considering the environment.
  • Develop proactive general statements and position papers for engineers, scientific and regulating bodies, manufacturers and Member Associations on present and future developments to be made available for the public.
  • Enhance the expertise of the members of the committee and their respective Member Associations by relaying information from scientific, engineering and manufacturing bodies.
  • Enhance the general standing of AusALPA, IFALPA and within the general public through the effort to improve air safety worldwide, as the stakeholder for the travelling public.


pilots association union

pilots association union

pilots association union